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Techniques for eating bananas for healthy, not fattening

Bananas are a delicious Thai fruit, easy to find, and full of many benefits, including vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber that are essential for the body. Eating bananas regularly can help promote โปรโมชั่น ufabet good health in an amazing way.

Techniques for eating bananas

1. Raw banana

Raw bananas are rich in tannins, which have the ability to coat and protect the stomach lining. Therefore, they are ideal for those who suffer from gastritis or have digestive problems, such as eating irregularly. Eating raw bananas regularly can help reduce heartburn and stomachaches very well.

In addition, raw bananas help balance the bacteria in the intestines, relieve diarrhea, and promote normal bowel movements. They are not sweet, making them suitable for those who want to control their blood sugar levels.

How to eat raw bananas:

  • Slice: Cut into thin slices and eat fresh or use in cooking.
  • Bake: Bake until golden brown. Serve as a snack.
  • Powder: Grind into powder and mix with warm water to drink.

2. Ripe bananas

Unripe bananas or bananas that are about to ripen are very useful in relieving diarrhea. Because when diarrhea occurs, the body loses a lot of potassium. Eating unripe bananas will help replace the lost potassium, helping the body to return to balance faster. In addition to potassium, unripe bananas are also rich in dietary fiber and tannins, which help absorb water in the intestines, making the food waste more solid, effectively reducing diarrhea symptoms. And it also helps coat the intestinal mucosa, reducing irritation, helping the intestines to work better.

In addition, ripe bananas also help increase the amount of probiotics in the intestines, which are good bacteria that play an important role in digestion and strengthening the immune system, making the intestines stronger.

In conclusion, ripe bananas are a very useful fruit for those who are suffering from diarrhea. They can help relieve symptoms and restore intestinal health quickly.

3. Ripe bananas

Ripe yellow bananas have properties that act as a mild laxative, helping to relieve constipation very well. This is because ripe bananas are rich in pectin, a type of dietary fiber that dissolves in water. When eaten, pectin helps increase the amount of food waste in the intestines, making the stool soft and easier to pass. In addition, ripe bananas also help prevent hemorrhoids because smooth bowel movements reduce pressure in the anus area.

Caution: Although ripe bananas have many benefits, they should be eaten in moderation because ripe bananas are high in sugar. Eating too much can affect blood sugar levels. Eating one ripe banana a day is enough to take care of the digestive system.

4. Ripe bananas

Many people may overlook ripe bananas with dark, almost black skin. But did you know that this type of banana is rich in many benefits, especially beta-carotene, which is an excellent antioxidant?

The beta-carotene in ripe bananas helps strengthen the immune system, allowing the body to fight cancer cells better. It also increases the number of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting germs and foreign substances, making the body stronger.

Therefore, ripe bananas are not only a delicious fruit, but also a health supplement that helps prevent cancer.